Isle of Wight SEN Support Toolkit

9. Transitions

Transition into school, out of school and between schools can be points where any SEN vulnerabilities are felt more acutely.  Supporting children, young people, families and professionals through these key times can help ensure that needs are met in the best way and outcomes are maximised.  Within your context it may be appropriate to create an enhanced transition package which includes parents as well as students.  This can be time saving for you as a SENCO but also open up a line of communication with new parents.

 There are a lot of websites which offer advice on transition, some starting points are offered in the table below. 





Do you have questions or queries?


Contact the SEN Support Line using this link.

Looking for training and development?

Use this link to find Isle of Wight specific training opportunities for schools.

Quick Links


Communication & Interaction


Social, Emotional & Mental Health


Cognition & Learning


Sensory and/or Physical

Guidance on Promoting Good Practice in Transition from Primary to Secondary School

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Educational Psychology


Transition | Hampshire County Council 

Supporting School Transitions for School Staff

Young Minds

Supporting school transitions | Resources | YoungMinds


Mentally Healthy Schools

Transitions : Mentally Healthy Schools

Supporting children's transition to secondary school

Anna Freud Centre

Supporting children's transition to secondary school | Childrens mental health and wellbeing in schools | Anna Freud Centre

EEF Blog: Supporting pupils through transitions – a trio of challenges

Education Endowment Foundation

EEF Blog: Supporting pupils through transitions – a trio of… | EEF (

Preparing for adulthood guides and toolkits

Council for Disabled Children

Preparing for Adulthood: Guides and Toolkits


Preparing for Adulthood: All Tools & Resources

National Development Team for Inclusion

Preparing for Adulthood: All Tools & Resources - NDTi