Isle of Wight SEN Support Toolkit

11. Next Steps

If you have worked through this toolkit and endeavoured to meet the needs of the CYP through SEN support in addition to universal high-quality teaching then next steps may include:

  1. The opportunity to talk through this case with an experienced SEN leader employed by the local authority via our SENCO Helpline.  You can raise an enquiry with them by completing this FORM, and they will aim to respond within 72 hours. 
  2. You may wish to consider application for an Education, Health and Care needs assessment.  The application process can be started HERE.

This toolkit focuses on information and guidance that can be quickly accessed and read.  There also exists a wealth of high quality information in the form of books and podcasts.  A few are highlighted below and recommended by our local authority professionals.  


Further Reading & Podcasts


Do you have questions or queries?

Contact the SEN Support Line using this link.

Looking for training and development?

Use this link to find Isle of Wight specific training opportunities for schools.

Quick Links


Communication & Interaction


Social, Emotional & Mental Health


Cognition & Learning


Sensory and/or Physical

Great Expectations by David Bartram

Great Expectations: Leading an Effective SEND Strategy in School : David Bartram, David Bartram: Books

The Perfect SENCO by Natalie Packer

The Perfect SENCO (Perfect series) : Natalie Packer, Jackie Beere: Books

A Strengths Based Framework for Learners with SEND by Judith Carter

SEND Assessment: A Strengths-Based Framework for Learners with SEND (The Essential SENCO Toolkit) : Carter, Judith: Books


SENCO Talks: How to support Additional Educational Needs on Apple Podcasts

SEND Network

Podcasts | SEND Network (

The SENDcast

The SENDcast - The Podcast for Special Educational Needs (SEN)

SEN in mainstream and adaptive teaching

New EEF podcast: SEN in mainstream & adaptive teaching | EEF (

A selection of SEND Podcasts

Best Senco Podcasts (2023) (