Isle of Wight SEN Support Toolkit

7. Specific Interventions

7.2. Cognition and Learning

Approaches and strategies can be found in the SEN Support Guidance document and LA support in Section 3 of this toolkit.  Additional resources, advice and consultation options are listed below:




Do you have questions or queries?

Contact the SEN Support Line using  this link.

Looking for training and development?

Use this link to find Isle of Wight specific training opportunities for schools.

Quick Links

Communication & Interaction

Social, Emotional & Mental Health

Cognition & Learning

Sensory and/or Physical


Evidence based literacy interventions

Literacy | EEF (

Evidence based maths interventions

Early numeracy approaches | EEF (

Improving Mathematics in Key Stages 2 and 3 | EEF (

Widget pictorial resources

Widgit Online

Evidence for impact

Effective educational intervention database - Evidence 4 Impact

British Dyslexia Association

Dyslexia - British Dyslexia Association (

ACE Centre (Assistive Technology and Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

Call Scotland (info and downloads on alternative methods of communication and apps for specific learning needs)

How can cognition and learning needs be supported by further cycles of assess, plan, do, review? (Warwickshire County Council)