Isle of Wight SEN Support Toolkit

8. Working in Partnership

Working collaboratively with parents is always the goal, but sometimes it’s not straightforward.  Parents/carers and schools may have different views about how a CYPs needs are best met as they will be experiencing them in different contexts.  A rounded understanding will help the school to best support the CYP and ultimately benefit the CYP, family and school.  Helping parents and carers to understand what is available and offered under SEN Support is a key part of successful communication which reduces pressure to apply for statutory assessment where this is not needed to meet need. 





Things to Consider

Are your parents and carers fully engaged with the school at all levels of SEN?

Have you listened to, and understood, the challenges from the parent / carer perspective?

Have you explained your perspective in a way that is easy to understand?

Have you considered any additional needs of the parent / carer themselves?

Have you considered using a person centred approach?


Do you have questions or queries?

Contact the SEN Support Line using  this link.

Looking for training and development?

Use this link to find Isle of Wight specific training opportunities for schools.

Quick Links


Communication & Interaction

Social, Emotional & Mental Health

Cognition & Learning

Sensory and/or Physical

Working in Partnership with parents and carers


Working in Partnership

SEN Support Guidance

Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service


SEND: Guide for parents and carers

Department for Education

SEND: guide for parents and carers - GOV.UK (

SEN Support in Mainstream Schools

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Support Service (SENDIASS)

SEND IASS | Advice and guidance for parents of children with special educational needs / learning disabilities on the Isle of Wight (

Info for parents

Parents Voice

Parent's Voice (

SEND Code of Practice (page 104)

Department for Education

SEND_Code_of_Practice_January_2015.pdf (