Topic outline
Whole School SEND
Whole School SEND, hosted by nasen (the National Association for Special Educational Needs), is funded by the Department for Education to deliver their SEND Schools’ Workforce Support Contract.
Membership is FREE to schools and provides access to a comprehensive suite of materials, including a library of resources and publications, as well as recordings of CPD webinars.
The materials and resources referenced in the attachment can supplement support provided by HIAS and are a source of high-quality materials for induction, refresher and ongoing training for individuals, departments or the whole team.
SENCO Induction Pack
The NASENCo SENCO Induction Pack is now available to download below.
The SENCO Induction Pack will support new SENCOs at the start of their journey before they complete the NASENCo qualification.
It provides useful information to those working with SENCOs or who are interested in taking up the post in the future.
Over the past year, the Leading Learning for Special Educational Needs and Disability CIC have developed and trialled this Induction Pack for SENCOs, with input from experienced and new SENCos themselves.
This resource was funded by the DfE (Department for Education).